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Do you have any questions or need further information about the use and possibilities of our PHOTOLIFTER? Do you have a specific request or a special task? Do you need price information? We would be pleased to advise you...
Please use the contact form below or contact us directly.
PHOTOLIFTER does not use cookies and does not store any personal data.
All messages and well as contact data are treated strictly confidential.
Daniel Roeseler
Rehlingenstraße 8
86153 Augsburg
MOBIL: +49 (0) 173 3519446
E-Mail: info@photolifter.de
Tax ID # 146/170/40388
Sales Tax ID# DE 157136024
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© 2024 PHOTOLIFTER, Daniel Roeseler. All contents on this website are protected by copyright law. Any use of contents, texts, graphics or pictures and other visual material from this website is illegal without the prior explicit written consent of © PHOTOLIFTER, Daniel Roeseler.
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